Weller Chronicles by Micah Daniels

Welcome to Weller Neighborhood

Weller Neighborhood is a very unique and interesting place. It is located right by Evangel University on Division Street. The entire neighborhood covers a large vicinity of space that is bordered by four major streets: Glenstone, Chestnut, National, and Commercial. This distinctive neighborhood resembles a book in so many ways. It has been around for a long time and often can get judged by its cover. Sometimes all you have to do is turn the page to really get a better understanding. Well that’s exactly what took place because looks are definitely deceiving. When I first pulled into the neighborhood it didn’t look appealing whatsoever. I saw some abandoned houses, busted windows, spilt trash cans, and stray dogs. Due to the poverty level in this area the dynamics might seem rough. Although some might say it feels uninviting that was not my perception.

As I drove just 100 more feet everything changed. I saw kids playing outside together and on the other side of the road was a little boy riding his bike. There were people sitting on the front of their porch just enjoying the fresh air outside. It was a nice sunny day and a lot of people in the community took advantage. As I was driving people would wave and smile as if I was apart of the neighborhood. That first impression you got from the look of the neighborhood didn’t reflect the impression you felt inside of the community.

Weller Elementary is right in the middle of the neighborhood and so many of the parents benefit from allowing their kids an easy commute to school. 77 percent of the residents are employed in Springfield so they are able to drop their kids off really close before they head to work. Many could say Weller Neighborhood is not for them, but many residents would say to step a little deeper into the neighborhood before you make that claim.